Adeline Wright
Small Business Owner
“As a small business owner and employer I enthusiastically support Jen McEwen because she sees a path to energy independence and environmental justice and leads us to it. Jen is deeply ethical, kind and fair. She hold the complexities of this time in history with curiosity and courage. She is exactly the right person for this job at exactly the right time. She deserves to be reelected because she is doing such a wonderful job as our Senator. I trust Jen McEwen, and you can too.”
Gary Anderson
City Councilor
“Senator Jen McEwen is a great partner to me in my role as a Duluth City Councilor. As her constituent I am most happy to have an environmental justice advocate and a health care for all champion representing me.”
Roz Randorf
City Councilor
I proudly endorse MN State Senator, Jen McEwen in her race to win District 7. She has the political courage to protect Minnesotans by working toward a single payer health care system and a future of clean energy for generations to come.
Mike Mayou
City Councilor
I'm proud to support Jen McEwen for Senate because she delivers results for Duluth and our region and she consistently shows up to amplify our voices at the capitol. Jen knows that we need to invest in our local communities through increases in Local Government Aid, deep investments in affordable housing, and continued support for public schools. Jen is a climate champion, lead supporter of the MN Health Plan, and is a very strong and vocal supporter of a woman's right to choose. Please join me in supporting Jen McEwen for State Senate!
Azrin Awal
City Councilor
Jen will fight for equity and make sure all voices are heard. We need to keep our elected officials who are community-oriented and understand what mutual aid means in office. I know from her actions she is my ally and I am hers. I am excited to see her continued voice, work, and allyship. I'm proud to endorse Jen for MN Senate.
Joel Sipress
Former City Councilor
As a Duluth City Councilor, I saw firsthand the importance of having elected officials who put the needs of their constituents first. We are fortunate to have Jen McEwen representing us in St. Paul.
Ashley Grimm
County Commissioner
Jen McEwen is a force at the state capitol for working class families and our environment. She has been part of fundamentally shifting the DFL to fully embrace our values and put people over profits. As a county commissioner it is invaluable to have her in the senate and I know I can trust in her on every major issue, which is so rare in politics.
Dr. Mary Owen
Community Leader
I am even more enthusiastic about endorsing Jen for a second term because she’s stayed true to her words. Her support of the Minnesota Health Plan is exactly what she said she was going to do. We need more leaders who, like Jen, walk their talk.
Henry Banks
Community Leader
It is an honor and pleasure for me to endorse Senator Jen McEwen for a second term representing the people of Minnesota’s 8th Senatorial District, which includes Duluth. I’m endorsing Jen for her tremendous leadership, integrity and knowledge about the specific needs of the people of this region. Jen is a ‘hard and conscientious’ worker who consistently gets the job done for all of us. Jen has my full support in the upcoming election. She is the correct leader we need to continue representing all of us in St. Paul.
Angie Miller
Community Leader
I wholeheartedly endorse Senator McEwen's reelection to represent Duluth in the MN State Senate. I know she shares my passion for addressing the root causes of homelessness and poverty. I also appreciate that she is a founding member and Co-Chair of the legislature's MN Health Plan Caucus. A few years ago, while I was working part time, I needed to enroll in the MNsure health insurance marketplace in order to find affordable insurance. I know Jen is a strong advocate for MNsure and affordable health insurance for everyone regarding of income.
Em Westerlund
Former Duluth City Councilor
Jen has maximized her first term as our state senator. She’s shown up, worked hard, and advocated for all of us at the legislature. We need her courage, resilience, and bold leadership representing Duluth at the capitol. I am proud to throw my support behind Jen because I’m confident she will continue to show up and speak up for Duluth.
Sharla Gardner
Former Duluth City Councilor
My respect for Senator McEwen increases each time I read about her accomplishments at the State Capitol. And, each time I hear her speak and stand up for Duluth. She is incredibly talented and effective. We deserve to have her represent us in the Minnesota State Senate. I'm honored to endorse her again.
Rosie Loeffler Kemp
Duluth School Board
I strongly support Jen’s continued leadership representing Duluth as our State Senator.
Jen shows up, speaks up, and stands up with deep knowledge and understanding on the many issues important to Duluth.
As a School Board member I have appreciated Jen’s collaborative work and strong voice for Duluth Public Schools. She has been in our schools, meeting with School board members and school staff to better understand the unique strengths and challenges in our District. I appreciate her bold advocacy on issues that impact our students, our families, and our school staff.
Jen has proven to be a tireless and steadfast state leader.
Please join me in re-electing State Senator Jen McEwen.
Deb Holman
Community Leader
“As an elected official, Jen has kept her word. She has been a force for numerous issues dear to my heart, especially the work to end homelessness & eradicate poverty. She focuses on the needs of all people she represents. This is what’s needed to be a true leader. She has been a force working on the MN Health Plan because she knows all Minnesotans need health coverage they can afford. She knows we need to invest in our local communities while giving everyone in our community a voice despite socio-economic status. We need leaders like Jen who are transparent, honest & get the job done. I am proud to endorse Jen for a 2nd term in the MN Senate.”